chatgpt, generate N4 articles
please generate an article about 500 words, with all grammar and vocabs in the level of JLPT N4. AFTER the whole article is completed, list out all vocabs inside the article with kanji. in the vocab list, for verbs, please follow the format of “the complete vocab in 辞書形 : hiragana ( A, B )”, in which : A: “自動詞” or “他動詞” B: “五段” or “一段” or “サ行” or “カ行”. for nouns with 漢字 or 平仮名, please follow the format of “the complete vocab in 辞書形 : hiragana ( 名詞 )”. for example, for “基本的”, it should appear as “基本的 : きほんてき ( 名詞 )”. for nouns with 片仮名, please follow the format of “the complete vocab in 辞書形 : the original foreign word, followed by the country of that foreign word ( 名詞 )”. for example, for “フォーム”, it should appear as “フォーム : file ( 名詞, from English )”. for adjectives, please follow the format of “the complete vocab in 辞書形 : hiragana ( C )”, in which : C: “い形容詞” or “な形容詞”. for example, for “訪れる”, it should appear as “訪れる : おとずれる ( 自動詞, 一段 )” in the vocab list, there should be no bracket with hiragana on the left side of the colon. in the vocab list, there should be no English except if they are 片仮名.
AWS amplify default redirection rule
source 1
- target:
- type: 404 rewrite`
source 2
- target:
- type:
200 rewrite
route to 大埔觀音古廟 / 慈山寺
part 1
- checkpoint 1 : notice the wall on the right, and be prepared to look for signage on the left ;
- checkpoint 2 : first check point. turn left ;
- checkpoint 3 : go ahead to 大埔觀音古廟, or turn right to 慈山寺
part 2 - 大埔觀音古廟
- arrive checkpoint 3 ;
- keep going via the left route until the little temple on the right is found, then turn right and go uphill ;
- arrived ;
part 3 - 慈山寺
- arrive checkpoint 3 ;
- google map stops there. info to be updated.
chatgpt, instructions for the ニホンゴ channel
for every translation, please do that in both English and Traditional Chinese, but NEVER use simplfified chinese. when giving example sentences, please do that in both English and Traditional Chinese, but NEVER use simplfified chinese.
the list of タンゴ from doing N4 mock exam
タンゴ, さんしょう
ひらがな | 漢字 | 辞書ページ | link to |
とまる | 止まる | p.xxxx | jisho |
かたまる | 固まる | p.xxxx | jisho |
やむ | 止む | p.xxxx | jisho |
さがす | 探す | p.xxxx | jisho |
さいしょ | 最初 | p.xxxx | jisho |
さいしゅう | 最終 | p.xxxx | jisho |
さいご | 最後 | p.xxxx | jisho |
まく | 蒔く | p.xxxx | jisho |
しゅ | 種子 | p.xxxx | jisho |
うく | 浮く | p.xxxx | jisho |
うつ | 打つ | p.xxxx | jisho |
うえる | 植える | p.xxxx | jisho |
つるつる | [] | p.xxxx | jisho |
どんどん | [] | p.xxxx | jisho |
さらさら | 更々 | p.xxxx | jisho |
とんとん | [] | p.xxxx | jisho |
ひらがな | 漢字 | 辞書ページ | link to |
くらべる | 比べる | p.xxxx | jisho |
えらぶ | 選ぶ | p.xxxx | jisho |
find file via modified time, by year
files modified in 2011, list them
find . -maxdepth 1 -newermt 20110101 -not -newermt 20120101 -type f -exec ls -lt “{}” ;
files modified in 2011, move them
find . -maxdepth 1 -newermt 20110101 -not -newermt 20120101 -type f -exec mv “{}” move-to-folder/ ;
sample frontmatter
title: title-here
author: JIMz
date: 2024-01-24
- ニホンゴ
- カシ - 歌詞
layout: component-redirect.vto
title: "re: monero hashvault dashboard"
- redirections
- xmr
- monero
- crypto
title: xxx
author: JIMz
date: 2024-02-01
- ニホンゴ
- タンゴ
## れいぶん
- nil
## タンゴ
- xx
## さんしょう
| ひらがな | 漢字 | 辞書ページ | link to |
| xx | xx | p.xxxx | [jisho][link-1] |
[comments]: -----------------------------