言葉にできない / 小田和正
終わる筈のない愛が途絶えた いのち尽きてゆくように ちがう きっとちがう 心が叫んでる
ひとりでは生きてゆけなくて また 誰れかを愛している こころ 哀しくて 言葉にできない
LaLaLa LaLaLa LaLa LaLa LaLaLa LaLaLa LaLaLa… 言葉にできない
せつない嘘をついては いいわけをのみこんで 果たせぬ あの頃の夢は もう消えた
typescript, deno and websocket
read more参照 - さんしょう [0]
- 辞典を参照にする。
- 辞典 - じてん [0] - p.0706
- 字典 - じてん [0]
- 辞典 - じてん [0]
- 事典 - じてん [0]
- 次点 - じてん [0]
- 自転 - じてん [0]
- 時点 - じてん [1][0]
- 辞書ページ:p.0652
- link to jisho
大切 - たいせつ [0]
- 柔道では力より技のほうが大切である。
- 大切なものはここに置かないで下さい。
- 私は古い本を大切に保存している。
- 柔道 - じゅうどう [1]
- 力 - ちから [3]
- 技 - わざ [2]
- 業師 - わざし[2]
- 保存 - ほぞん [0]
- 辞書ページ:p.1010
- link to jisho
pending issues on the theme modification
- showing latest git hash with link ;
- normalize author name to lowercase ;
- show all redirection-related posts with a generated table ;
- automaitcally filter all tags as small letters ;
- currently ( as of 2024-02-17 ), when 2 tags of of different cases being rendered, they would be turned into the same path which will cause conflicts in build time ;
building and deployment notes on the new jimz.cc
updates as of 2024-12-02
this site is now being generated via hugo instead. the following info are only kept for future reference.
some notes on scaffolding this site when following the official instructions.
some background info
this site used to be built with gatsby, even thought the built site is fast in response and have endless possibilites by adding plugins, it is still too heavy and bulky at the back ( a basic starter takes too much time to start, and too much dependencies to deal with ), at least to me and in my use case which i don’t really need that much interactivities, and even if i did need them, in my next project i’d probably be building it with Fresh.
deploying lume project to deno deploy
the instructions given in lume regarding the deploying to deno deploy is incomplete. this page serves to provide a complete instruction.
background info
- build static page with lume ;
- host the codes in github ;
- deploy in deno deploy ;
- automatic re-deployment in deno deploy on every gith push ;
this page describe (4) and provide missing info in lume.land by consolidating related info in reference pages listed at the end of this page.