Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Hugo”
hugo git hash, build time extract instead of using .GitInfo
getting git info, git hash in build time when deployed, avoid using the official .GitInfo
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doing http redirect in hugo
doing http redirect in hugo websites, procedures and steps on files to be modififed and how
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configure hugo with CD ( continuous deployment ) on AWS Amplify
describe how to configure hugo with CD ( continuous deployment ) on AWS Amplify
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the theme currently (2024) based on
the hugo theme being used in, as of 2024-12
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building and deployment notes on the new
updates as of 2024-12-02
this site is now being generated via hugo instead. the following info are only kept for future reference.
some notes on scaffolding this site when following the official instructions.
some background info
this site used to be built with gatsby, even thought the built site is fast in response and have endless possibilites by adding plugins, it is still too heavy and bulky at the back ( a basic starter takes too much time to start, and too much dependencies to deal with ), at least to me and in my use case which i don’t really need that much interactivities, and even if i did need them, in my next project i’d probably be building it with Fresh.